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This is Albert enjoying a comfortable evening in his new home.



I just wanted to give you an update on Axel. He is doing well and has fit right into our little family. He and his new bff Badger are getting along like brothers. He enjoys all his new toys and is a happy little guy. Thank you so much for letting me adopt him. He has healed our hearts in ways I couldn't have imagined.


November 2, 2018

Dear Feline Canine Friends,

It has been a few months since my partner and I welcomed Gandolf into our home and we wanted to send you an update on his life since his adoption.

When Gandolf first arrived at our home, he was a little timid and uncertain of his surroundings and it took him a few weeks to fully adjust to his new life.  His progression was incredible to watch.  He went from a sweet and shy kitty to an adventurous and playful goofball.

Gandolf also loves to cuddle and lets us know if he hasn't been held if more than 10 minutes have passed since he was last held.  Playtime is his favorite part of the day and his current favorite toy is a green fish on a string that we call "Fishy".  He drags Fishy around everywhere with him and frequently brings him to bed as well!

We also have lots of windows in our home and Gandolf loves looking outside at the world around him.  He can always be found sunbathing in one of the pools of light that stream into the living room throughout the day.  We have also recently discovered that Gandolf has a love for water and loves playing in it whenever he gets the chance to!

One of the most incredible things I have found through this whole experience is not only how much we have helped change his life, but how much he has changed our lives.  He somehow knows and senses every emotion I have and always finds a way to comfort me and make me smile.  There are hardly enough ways to put into words how much we unconditionally love him.  He is my little baby, best friend, and has, without a doubt, changed our lives for the better.  We cannot thank you enough for giving us this sweet boy to love and cherish day in and day out.  He is the highlight of our lives and knows that he is loved every single day.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.



Dear Feline/Canine Friends,

I am writing to share my story with you, and how you introduced me to my dearest friend.

Last November I was looking for a lap cat. I felt I finally had a nice enough of an apartment to be a good caregiver and I was ready for the responsibility of a pet. I perused your website and thought I had my heart set on little Black Jack.

When I came into the facility with my friends, I asked if there was a good lap cat available for adoption. You mentioned Rainbow. I sat on the floor in the room she was in and called her over. She ran over to me, licked my head, and I burst into tears. It just felt right. In a few days I picked her up from Petco.

A few months later, I was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I am 24 years old.

I had surgery which required my head be shaved, and moved home with my parents. Rainbow didn’t miss a beat. I think she might be my guardian angel. She follows me everywhere. She lays on my chest or at my feet constantly. She always sleeps by my side. When I cry, she often presses her head against mine. I swear she knows that something is different about me.

She is always making me laugh with her silly antics. She adores plastic bags and coos like a pigeon. She likes to sleep with one leg over my arm, and she has tattoos in her ears. Sometimes I dress her up in costumes (but never for long!).

I’ve lost a lot in the past few months. But I know I’ll never lose this little angel.

Thank you for what you and your volunteers do. You’re caring for someone’s future best friend.

Thank you again.

Warm Regards




Scooter’s History

Scooter, the cat, was the lone survivor of a Baraboo house fire. The fire killed his family as well as all the other pets in the household. By some miracle, Scooter was able to escape the fire and was taken in by a rescue, Feline-Canine Friends, Inc in Grand Marsh, Wisconsin. The rescue operates on a a very limited budget and even though they knew taking the cat in would deplete all of their resources, they opened their hearts and their rescue to Scooter.

The rescue’s founder Marie Valentino said they they knew they had to help Scooter. “Getting Scooter veterinary care was something we knew we wanted to do. Turning our backs on him was never an option. One of our volunteers, Cindy, got a call the day of the fire asking if we could the help cat and we said ‘yes.’”

Scooter was treated initially at Lodi Veterinary Hospital where he received 24 hour care the first days after the fire and then care was transferred to Countryside Animal Clinic. Countryside had worked with the rescue previously and offered to help with Scooter’s care.

Scooter suffered first, second and third degree burns to 20% of his body. He was unable to walk the first days after the fire because the pads of his feet were so badly burned. He is likely to lose the tips of his ears and his right eye as a result of the fire. He receives daily would care, pain management and antibiotic therapy to prevent infection. He also has received a lot of love from everyone at Countryside.

He is a very loving cat and despite the sometimes painful treatments he must endure, he is quick to purr and extend a paw, to entice staff members to play with him.

Most of his fur was singed and some was burned off completely. His whiskers were burned off completely. The white portions of his fur are still yellowed from the fire and he still smells of smoke. We are not able to bathe him yet because of his open wounds.


Today, Scooter has become somewhat of a celebrity. The wonderful caregivers at Countryside Animal Clinic have taken him in as their "clinic cat". He loves to run down the halls and check out all of the animals coming in for care at the clinic. Although Brenda runs the clinic, Scooter also thinks he does! Often you will find him lounging on the front desk, overseeing all of the comings and goings. 

Scooter is a very special cat in so many ways! He has overcome his terrible accident, many surgeries and months of recovery. Many people thought that he should have been euthanized, due to the extent of his injuries. If they could see him today, I am sure they would see what the care of good people and the strength of a cat can do together, survive all obstacles and come out a purr..fectly wonderful cat!


Scooter is doing well.  He recovered nicely from the burns sustained in the fire that destroyed his home and took his family from him.  In the 2-3 months after the fire, the pads of his feet healed up and he was able to walk and jump again. Slowly the burned fur was replaced with a new shiny coat.  His whiskers grew back and his face looked more normal.  His whiskers grew back and his face looked more normal.  After the fire his right eye had been damaged and had sunken to about 10% of its normal size.  The veterinarians said it had to be removed.  Since then he has undergone several surgeries to try to repair the area.  The specialists tell us he will likely always struggle with recurrent infections in that area.  Despite this, he is a happy, healthy cat.  He loves affection and playing with his new cat friends.

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