Welcome to Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.!


RAINBOW BRIDGE              

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Shadow came to us during the frigid weather in December of 2013 after being thrown out of his home.  He survived outside for a month when the neighbors noticed how thin and sick he had become.  They located our shelter and we took him in.

He was four years old and weighed only four pounds!  It was a miracle that he survived and gained back his health, but he had a quiet strength that saw him through it all!  Unfortunately, his time outside in the winter cold, starving, took a toll on his organs and after 5 years he could no longer fight his failing kidneys.

Shadow, our housecat at the shelter, crossed over the rainbow bridge on May 14th, 2018.  He was loved by all of us at the shelter as if he were our own.  He will, indeed, leave a paw print on all of our hearts.


Snickers, you were with us a very short time, but you were with us long enough for everyone to fall in love with you.  We wish you were still with us.  We wanted more time to enjoy your sweet, curious company.  Snickers left us on April 17, 2019.  Snickers, you will always be in our hearts. 


Sundae was a bit distant when she came to us, but she became a very friendly lady who loved to be petted.   Sadly, she had medical problems that took her from us.  She passed away on October 3, 2017.  We miss you Sundae.

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